My fellow Americans: We are at war with Islam! Since al-Qaeda’s attack on 9/11, we have been attacked many times by enemy combatants. This continual siege threatens our Judeo-Christian (and Buddhist) values, and strikes at the heart and soul of our way of life. We’ve been humiliated by the Taliban, al-Qaeda, ISIS, Boko Haram and other jihad combatants –… Continue reading
THERE IS A MAJOR DIFFERENCE between Trump’s political philosophy and mine. He wants to run the government as a “business”, backed by military force. I want to run it as the mightiest military force on the planet, backed by a strong economy. Similar in many respects, but inherently VERY different. Trump would… Continue reading
We have transcended terrorism. If it didn’t start at Ft. Hood, or in Boston, it certainly started yesterday in Chattanooga, TN. We are at war with enemy combatants on U.S. soil.
REMBER THIS: One of these enemy combatants was wearing a U.S.… Continue reading
Reasonable people may differ in their politics. But what occurred in Benghazi, Lybia, is extremely well-documented. Moreover, the blatant lies of what prompted our… Continue reading
It’s not from returning the money to pensioners who paid into the system. NO WAY! It is because of paying out money to people who have NEVER paid into the system. No, I didn’t stutter! Social Security Income (SSI) is but one such instance:… Continue reading
Notwithstanding a US$12B bribe to get the Iranians to sign-off on a piece of crap non-proliferation agreement it probably won’t honor, the regime is still talking about destroying (nuking?) Israel and America. So why did Obama task Kerry to… Continue reading
Just when I was starting to embrace using billions from the sale of the Imperial Airforce to fix Obamacare, I’m hit with news that Obama and Congress are once again trying to screw seniors. The sale of the new Boeing AF1/AF2, and Sikorsky Marine 1 should raise… Continue reading
“The $1.65 billion budget for the next Air Force One is expected to grow, but significant delays may be a bigger concern than a cost overrun.”…/air-force-one…/385037/
Obama is flying to Kenya. Another half-million dollar flight just for fun. Barack flying to Kenya? Another half-million dollar flight just for fun! The… Continue reading
I will move Executive operations to the Pentagon, or Ft. Meade. These are much more secure environments that are not subject to armed intruders, and… Continue reading
The U.S. Supreme Court, a tripartite branch of Government set up by the Founding Fathers (remember them?), has handed down some decisions. One of these decisions, concerning same-sex marriage, is unpopular with religious fundamentalists. Regardless whether the Court’s opinion is or isn’t well-reasoned, or is or… Continue reading