THIS ISIS ATTACK HAS HUGE IMPLICATIONS. Joint Chiefs Chairman General Martin E. Dempsey and Defense Secretary Ashton Carter will dismiss this attack as a mere maritime skrimish, but won’t say much so long as their lips are stuck to Obama’s backside. Suppose ISIS… Continue reading
This is the second case in a month. The third one this year. Where did this alien life-form come from? How… Continue reading
With his cadre of hand-picked Admirals and Generals, salvaged from a drowning pool of upper echelon Military who might be otherwise capable of staging a coup d’etat, Barack Obama has sent a lone warship deep into the belly of the beast to taunt Russian President Vladimir… Continue reading
This past week was particularly gruesome! The barbarian army, ISIS, has been on a murderous rampage throughout the Middle East and France. The story of the beheading in Saint-Quentin-Fallavier, France, is still unclear. But whatever this… Continue reading
So why am I concerned about delivery of naval weapon platforms to Egypt? Well, it goes something like this:
According to IHS Jane’s 360 SIPREP dated 24JUN2015, Egypt has taken delivery of a second Ambassador IV-class fast attack craft (FAC). Another two… Continue reading